Ep.51 In Conversation with Mohamedou Slahi - the most tortured man in Guantanamo Bay

Mohamedou Slahi’s period of unlawful detention in Guantanamo Bay has recently been portrayed in the film ‘The Mauritanian’. His resilience and sense of human dignity comes through in the movie. I spoke to fellow detainee Moazzam Begg a few weeks ago about the political context of Guantanamo.

In this episode, we reached out to Mohamedou to find out about his fortitude, what gave him the ability to remain strong throughout his ordeal? Muhammad Jalal asked him about his childhood, the context of his arrest and his ability to contextualise his incarceration and not descend into bitterness.

Click here for the show notes, including further resources and materials.

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Ep.52 Al-Aqsa attacks, Sheikh Jarrah & Gaza with Dr Azzam Tamimi


Ep.50 Building an Intimate Relationship with the Qur’an with Ustadh Nuh Saunders